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We are an online bookstore,which began in 2022 ,to spread culture. We deliver to all the Lebanese countries, and you can also take your orders from zrerieh south Lebanon, and kfarroman .

We are trying to bring books in very affordable prices.

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.”

George R.R. Martin


What does our customers say ?

Mohamad Laalaa

OMGGG Booktownlb is the best in my town ! Best prices and quality


حبيبتي وصلوا الكتب اليوم عنجد شكرااااااا كتييير كل كتبي من يوم و رايح من عندك و التوت باغ عنجد رائعة شكرااااا ❤️❤️ .


Ma3 ene ma knt ba3rfek bas 3njd I'm proud of u 😭💗 Ktir ktir helo ch8lek w ente hada ktir sweet Je t'aime 🥰 .


Hiii kifik! Lym wslne l orders l dlv ktir sari3 ma knt mwak3 yusalune lyom ! L nw3ye btjnnnn aktr shi joumana ❤🔥 .

Made with ❤ By Mohamad Laalaa | all rights reserved!